Sejahtera Seeds and Bulbs
Phlox subulata, Emerald Pink, Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox
Phlox subulata, Emerald Pink, Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox
Height: 2in - 6in
Height on Delivery: 1in - 3in
Spread: 6in - 24in
Hardiness Zone: 3 - 9
Growth Habit: matting, carpeting
Flower Color: pink, petite
Foliage: rough, gray-green
Light Requirements: sun
Bloom Time: April - May
Moss Phlox, or Creeping Phlox, likes a soil that is rich in humus. The soil must drain well so that the plant is not bothered by wet feet. It is fine to mulch up to the perimeter of the plant. Wait until bloom time has passed, and then shear your plant quite harshly. This shearing may help to produce a second round of blooms, less impressive than the first. If no new blooms appear, the shearing will ensure good, fresh growth of foliage. Remember, this plant loves full sun.
This Creeping Phlox is definitely a jewel-toned beauty. In a vibrant pink, blooms appear in late spring and last for 3-4 weeks on low-growing, rough foliage. Pollinators love this plant, which can add life to a garden from the bottom up. Use this in the front of taller perennials or along borders. It will not be bothered by deer or rabbits. It is a go-to plant for adding a carpet of color