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Sejahtera Seeds and Bulbs

ONE Starter Plant Amethyst Falls Wisteria Vine ( 5L ) Live Plant

ONE Starter Plant Amethyst Falls Wisteria Vine ( 5L ) Live Plant

Regular price $29.98
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The listed price is for ( 1 ) starter plant

Amethyst Falls,' like other Wisteria, is a strong grower, reaching 30 feet or more. It is, however, not invasive like its Asian cousins. This native variety is less vigorous and easier to manage, refraining from choking out trees over time, as some Wisteria want to do - a distinct advantage in the South, where Wisteria can run wild! All of these things make it an ecologically sensitive choice. 'Amethyst Falls' flowers sooner than the Asian types (some of which can take 10 years or more), blooming its first season with fragrant, vividly purple flowers on 4- to 6-inch racemes that appear in spring and repeat all summer. Its bloom also arrive about two weeks later in the season than others, so late-winter frosts seldom affect flowering.

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