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Sejahtera Seeds and Bulbs

Showy Sunflower Helianthus Pauciflorus 100 Seeds for Planting

Showy Sunflower Helianthus Pauciflorus 100 Seeds for Planting

Regular price $16.90
Regular price $25.35 Sale price $16.90
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You will get 100 Seeds for Planting of Showy Sunflower Helianthus Pauciflorus

Introducing our new batch of Helianthus pauciflorus seeds for planting, also known as Showy Sunflower, Stiff Sunflower, or Prairie Sunflower. With its vibrant yellow blooms from summer to early fall, this species thrives in dry soil and full sun prairies. Host to the Gorgone Checkerspot butterfly, this plant is perfect for enhancing biodiversity in high-quality prairie remnants. Growing up to 5 feet tall, it features bright yellow flower heads, folding petals and leaves in dry conditions, and offers beneficial relationships to various pollinators.
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