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Sejahtera Seeds and Bulbs

English Primrose (Primula acaulis grandiflora mix)

English Primrose (Primula acaulis grandiflora mix)

Regular price $25.90
Regular price $38.85 Sale price $25.90
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You will get 108 seeds of Primula acaulis grandiflora mix, ENGLISH PRIMROSE for planting.

The Primula acaulis grandiflora mix, also known as English primrose, is a versatile plant that adds vibrant color to gardens. It prefers part shade and moist fertile soil, but can thrive in various conditions. Not only is it beautiful, but its leaves and flowers are edible and can be used in cooking or to make wine.

Scarification: none required

Stratification: none required

Germination: can be sown in fall or spring, sow seed 1/16" deep, tamp the soil

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