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Sejahtera Seeds and Bulbs

Black Hellebore Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger)

Black Hellebore Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger)

Regular price $33.90
Regular price $50.85 Sale price $33.90
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You will get 32 seeds of Helleborus niger, BLACK HELLEBORE CHRISTMAS ROSE for planting.

Helleborus niger, also known as Christmas rose or black hellebore, is an evergreen perennial with dark, leathery leaves and large, flat flowers that bloom in winter. It is a poisonous plant but has become popular in cottage gardens for its ability to bloom during the winter months. It prefers moist, alkaline soil in shade and is available in different cultivars with large or double flowers.

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours

Stratification: warm stratify for 60 days, cold stratify for 60 days

Germination: sow seed 1/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

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