Sejahtera Seeds and Bulbs
5 Wisteria BLUE MOON Unrooted Cuttings 6-8" long Fresh Cuts
5 Wisteria BLUE MOON Unrooted Cuttings 6-8" long Fresh Cuts
5 Wisteria BLUE MOON Unrooted Cuttings. Vine Tree.
How to root Hibiscus
1. Prepare the stems for cutting Using sharp pruning shears, make a fresh cut on the bottom of the stem just below the node(a bump where new growth typically forms). Then, slice into the bottom of the stem about a 1/4 inch up, splitting the stem into open quarters.
2.Before planting the cuttings, you can at this stage dip the bottoms of the cuttings in rooting hormone, available as a powder or liquid, to stimulate growth.
3. Plant the cuttings into a pot filled with an equal mixture of compost and sand. Create holes with a dibber will help protect the cutting.
4.Water well and cover with the pots a plastic bag secured with a rubber band.
5. By 3-4 weeks, a root system should have developed, the plants can then be potted into more nourishing compost and, by the following autumn, they should be ready to plant into their final position.