Sejahtera Seeds and Bulbs
3 Rose Of Sharon Hibiscus Starter Bush Organic Live Plant w/ Roots Seedlings
3 Rose Of Sharon Hibiscus Starter Bush Organic Live Plant w/ Roots Seedlings
Do not leave cuttings or plants in a mailbox or other area unprotected from the elements. On hot days they will dry out and may die, and on cold days they may freeze. Tops may be wilted from shipping, spray or re-wet roots and medium when they arrive and plant as soon as possible.
You will receive three live plant with bare roots ready to plant. If has leaves may loose them do to transplant stress. They will re-grow. Taller than 4" ~ Shorter than 8" in Height DIRECTIONS: When plant arrives put the root in water for 24 Hr. before transplanting into the garden or a rich potting soil in a medium pot (6" size or larger). Roots need to be about 2 inches below the soil. Water well then keep the soil moist but not saturated (well drained). If in a pot keep in bright indirect sunlight until established (at least 2 months) then move gradually into full sun. Outside planting is best in the late fall while they are dormant or in early spring after all chance of frost and the plants are well established. If your soil is poor, mix it half and half with potting soil. Use a tree and shrub fertilizer after established according to package directions.