Sejahtera Seeds and Bulbs
2 Live Starter Plants in 2 Inch Pots Belinda's Dream Rose Bush
2 Live Starter Plants in 2 Inch Pots Belinda's Dream Rose Bush
Introducing 'Belinda's Dream' Rose - A Versatile Beauty with a Rich Fragrance: A shrub rose with the high center bloom and long stem of a hybrid tea, 'Belinda's Dream' produces medium pink, double flowers in abundance throughout the growing season. This rose is not just beautiful, but also versatile, with a rich fragrance and glossy, bluish-green foliage that can enhance any garden. Disease Tolerant with Unbeatable Performance: 'Belinda's Dream' is known for its ability to survive even in highly alkaline clay soils, making it an outstanding performer. Unlike other roses that require constant spraying, this rose is disease tolerant, and fungicide sprays are seldom required. This makes it an ideal choice for gardeners who want to enjoy growing roses without having to put in a lot of effort.
Item Length: 13"
Item Width: 4"
Item Height: 4"