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Sejahtera Seeds and Bulbs

10 Apple Mint/Wooly Mint Plant (Mentha suaveolens) Cuttings

10 Apple Mint/Wooly Mint Plant (Mentha suaveolens) Cuttings

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10 Apple Mint/Wooly Mint Plant (Mentha suaveolens) Cuttings- Fresh & Ready To Plant

These cuttings will be freshly dug from my own personal herb gardens. They will vary in height from 4 inches up to 10 inches or more. With the temperatures outside warming up, the mint has begun to take off in it's growth.

This variety of mint is called Apple Mint, but is also known most commonly as Wooly Mint due to the woooly-like appearance of the leaves. Apple Mint/Wooly Mint reaches about 2 feet (.60 m.) at maturity, and the plants have woolly stems, fragrant serrated leaves, with terminal spikes that bear white or light pink colored flowers. The blooms can bloom out beginning in late summer or early fall.

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